fire1The Concepts: Students will learn about the dangers of fire and what to do if they see a fire; call 911 and stop, drop and roll. They will discuss the concept that air is all around them and that air is needed to breathe. They will also discuss that when there is a fire, the fire will burn the air out of an area which makes it hard to breathe, which is why a fireman must wear a mask to help them breathe during a fire. The children will be shown 3 jars; small, medium, and large and will be told that there is air in each inverted jar. They will find that the bigger the jar, the more air inside. Next a candle will be placed under each jar and the children will count how long it takes for the air to burn out of each jar, thus extinguishing the candle. At the end of the lesson each child will have a chance to blow out a candle using the air in their lungs. Students will count and compare sizes small, medium, and large.



Check out the video for this activity here.


The Concepts: In this activity, students will learn about magnetism and then will examine and test a variety of items to see if they are magnetic. Next, they will sort the items into categories by whether or not they are magnetic. Finally, they will count and graph the number of items that were attracted to a magnet and the number of items not attracted to a magnet. Other concepts discussed are letter sounds and the words yes and no.

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View the video for this activity here.



The Concepts: : This activity offers so many learning opportunities. In addition to sinking and floating, the children can explore scooping, pouring, dumping, liquids, counting, comparing, the sense of touch, wet and dry, making predictions, drawing conclusions, opposites, cold, empty, full, round, square, the letters f and s and their sounds, and following directions.



 Check out the video for this activity here.

Garden Studies For Young Children

Gardening is a great way to integrate math and science into the school day.  Children can begin by making predictions on growing conditions or how long it will take for plants to grow.  You can plant in cups and transfer the seedling plants to containers outside.  We make beds out of concrete blocks that we put in a rectangle.  Then dirt is thrown in the middle to make large beds and the children also plant in the holes of the blocks on the outside.  Once plants have grown, children can perform field studies to measure and count.  Below are examples of activities that can be done in a school garden.  Marigolds can also be planted in the holes in the blocks surrounding the bed to act as a natural pesticide. Continue reading »